Wednesday 1 December 2010


And so the final product is complete. I uploaded the project to Vimeo and have so far received a number of interesting comments, mainly to do with the opening title sequence of the film. I took inspiration from the original Se7en opening titles created by Kyle Cooper, and created scratchy, distorted animated titles within Adobe After Effects.

After applying the grade to the film I think it really added the finishing touches, showing that I have created something that is quite similar to the work of my chosen filmmakers/cinematographers. I also decided to pay a homage to 'Se7en', which if you probably hadn't guessed before is one of my favourite films. I did this by using two pieces of music that are used within the film. There's also one other homage paid to the filmmaker, but I'll let you find that one yourselves.

After much deliberation, I'm pleased with what I have created and have learnt many new things, mainly about composition and technical aspects such as correctly applying settings to ensure the best possible picture is achieved.

However, some shots (the wide shots) were shot using the 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 Canon lens, and have a small yet noticeable amount of grain to them. This could of been prevented with the use of a different lens, but due to the f stop not going anywhere below 3.5, it was hard to retain the same amount of light detail/data as that of the 50mm 1.8.

The only thing that I wish I had done however, was focus on the 'Music video idea' that I posted early on in this blog. However, I didn't realise at the time the amount of work I would have to put into the other modules from my Film Production Technology course, so didn't manage to shoot anything.

I am however still interested in completing this project, and have arranged to do so over the Christmas break.

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