I came across this earlier today and found it to be quite an interesting short/advert. The video was created as an advert for the surf-wear company RipCurl, in which 52 Canon DSLRs (not stated which models were used) were used to recreate the 'Bullet Time' effect... but with surfers.
Although this hasn't got much to do with the cinematography aspect of the module, I thought I would share it anyway as it's exciting to see how this technology is constantly being manipulated and used in different ways to benefit the industry!
Although this hasn't got much to do with the cinematography aspect of the module, I thought I would share it anyway as it's exciting to see how this technology is constantly being manipulated and used in different ways to benefit the industry!
RipCurl 'Bullet Time' Advert
Some more details on the shoot:
"In collaboration with Timeslice Films, Rip Curl took on an ambitious bullet-time campaign shoot in Malaysia’s Sunway Lagoon Wavepool with lead surfers Mick Fanning, Stephanie Gilmore, Owen Wright and Matt Wilkinson. The revolutionary campaign captures surfing in a way never seen before, with the final visuals baring more resemblance to a fight scene from the famous Matrix movies than a promotional surfing video. The two-day rental of Sunway Lagoon Wavepool allowed Rip Curl and Timeslice to operate in a more stable environment than the open ocean offers. The Rip Curl surfers were repeatedly towed into the machine-controlled waves by Jetski and their operational space was determined by the 52-camera rig set up in the pool."
Below shows how the advert was made, and the troubles that occurred during the shoot.
RipCurl 'Bullet Time' Advert - Making Of
Information gathered via CheeseyCam